Sunday, 29 July 2018

Cook Islands Language Week

The theme for Cook Islands Language Week this year is:

Kia Ngakau Parau, Kia Rangarangatu To Tatou Reo Maori Kuki Airani. 

Meaning: Be Proud of our Reo Maori- Kuki Airani and Protect it’s future

Have a look at some of the photos during the celebration of  Cook Islands Language Week. 

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Welcome to Term 3

The value for this term is Determination. We started this term by hosting the whole school singing assembly. We also presented a video on ways we can show determination and how some of our local heroes showed determination to achieve their goals and dreams!!!!

In Week 2, we are going to celebrate Cook Island Language Week by singing a Cook Island song called: Kua Iti Te Marama.

Have a look at the lyrics below:

 Kua iti te marama (the moon is shining)

I te po po'iri (in the dark night)

Toku tiaki'anga rai ia koe (I am waiting for you)

Kua pati au rai ia koe e 'ine (I wanted to ask you, my girl)

'Aere mai ka 'aere taua ki te 'ura (come, let's go to the hula)

Moumou i to manea (wasting your beauty)

E to ei tiare (and your flower necklace)

Tei rakei ia ki runga i to tino (that you wear on your body)